The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112465   Message #592612
Posted By: GUEST,Steve (Winick)
14-Nov-01 - 02:58 PM
Thread Name: Origin: Bedlam Boys / Tom of Bedlam
Subject: RE: Help: BEDLAM BOYS
I agree 100% with Leonard that Robert Graves' reconstructed original is nothing more than a rewrite; as I said, he had really no good evidence for his assumptions. Graves didn't exactly write it himself--it's mostly made up of lines and stanzas from manuscript and broadside versions. But he decided which lines to include and what order the stanzas would go in, etc., based on nothing more than his beloived poet's intuiton.

My main point, though, was that the "any food any feeding" version of the song is just as interesting as the "Bedlam Boys are Bonny" version. I'd forgotten about Tania Opland's recording; thanks John!
