The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #41161   Message #592956
Posted By: JedMarum
14-Nov-01 - 11:52 PM
Thread Name: Which Irish Troubles Songs are Offensive
Subject: Which Irish Troubles Songs are Offensive
I play at a great pub in Dallas called Trinity Hall and one of the young Irish bartenders asked if I knew "Come You Black and Tans" - I did, I played it, and continue to play it there occasionally. One night some Irish Tourists were there, and stopped to chat after the show. They loved "Spancil Hill," "Garden Where the Praities Grow," "Phil the Fluter's Ball" and many others - I asked if them if they heard these songs at home - they did. I asked about "Come You Black and Tans" and they said they knew it, but it was not considered a polite song. They didn't seem bothered by it, especially being played in the US by a dumb Yank (me) ... but casually dismissed it as inappropriate for general use.

Well we've had some discussion on specific songs, from time to time, here at Mudcat - and I am not trying to start a politcal discussion, but which songs listed here will many people in Ireland find offensive - or in poor taste?

Come Out You Black and Tans
Young Ned of the Hill
Roddy McCorely
Bold Fenien Men (Glory OH to the Bold Fenien Men)
other popular in US that might be offensive in Ireland?