The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #41161   Message #593006
Posted By: paddymac
15-Nov-01 - 01:09 AM
Thread Name: Which Irish Troubles Songs are Offensive
Subject: RE: Which Irish Troubles Songs are Offensive
I have noticed what I guess is a local form of "political correctness" in some areas of Ireland, wherein what some might consider "factional songs" generally aren't performed in public. However, they are standard fare in various "after hours" and other non-public gatherings. I've learned as a matter of courtesy to follow local custom. The sad thing is to look at it as a kind of free speech issue. Most Americans usually feel pretty free to say most anything that's on their minds, while people who have to live in areas of conflict tend to be far more guarded or circumspect in that regard. A perhaps necessary survival skill.