The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #41103   Message #593306
Posted By: Dave the Gnome
15-Nov-01 - 11:56 AM
Thread Name: The right to kill??
Subject: RE: The right to kill??
My Dads flat was broken into on Tuesday night. My Dad and his wife, Annie, are both 80 years old. It was 2am and Dad was disturbed from his sleep. When he entered the living room he found a young man ransacking the cupboard.

Fortunately the robber fled out of the window he had forced an entry through, but not before he had snatched a handbag containing around £25.

What would of happened if he had not fled? Both Dad and Annie have Angina and while I am sure Dad would have given him a run for his money, he is still a strong bloke, such a confrontation may have killed both of them.

The police response? Nothing we can do I'm afraid, sir. Unless you can identify the intruder we have nothing to go on! Huh! What is going on here?

This guy, as far as I am concerned, callously targeted an old couple. This is tantamount to attempted murder. If Dad would have had a gun would he be right to use it? Damned right he would. Should he have used it if the intruder ran away? Seeing as the thief took the trouble to take their belongings - Again yes. What would have happened if the bag contained the Angina medicine that Annie needed desperately after the shock? Did the thief stop to consider the consequences. Did he hell!

It is so annoying that the only 'crimes' that the police seem sucessful at combating are those where the perpetrators are, in the main, decent law abiding citizens.

It is so frustrating that the only people who whinge about the infringement of civil liberties are those who have something to hide.

There, off my soapbox now. Rant mode back in the drawer...

All that said I don't think there can really be such a thing as a 'right to kill'. Rights seem to be considered automatic - all these things should be reviewed in context.

Just my 2 pen'orth.


Dave the Gnome