The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #41161   Message #593874
Posted By: GUEST,Den
16-Nov-01 - 08:44 AM
Thread Name: Which Irish Troubles Songs are Offensive
Subject: RE: Which Irish Troubles Songs are Offensive
Jack the Sailor I think if you check Stan Rogers lyric sites other than the DT you will find that he wrote UDI. Anyway even if it was UDL there was never such an active organisation in NI. Protestant organizations of the time the song was written were UVF and UDA later came splinter groups LVF and UFF who are another story entirely.

Dave the Gnome sarcasm aside I am very aware of Stan Rogers' "current state of health" having lived in Canada for many years myself. I have admired the man in the past there are few folk singers with the quality he had in his voice. I just think that he should have stuck to subject matter that he at least new a little about.

Another line from the song goes "home rule and Republic is all of it shame". What is shameful about the right of a people to self determination. Canada was once governed by the British is it shameful that the people of Canada won the right to self government? Isn't this what the new assembly of N.Ireland is about? The situation in N.Ireland has been fueled for years on ignorance. I believe songs like this fuel ignorance everywhere else. Den