The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #41230   Message #594503
Posted By: The Celtic Bard
17-Nov-01 - 12:42 AM
Thread Name: Just lost a good friend
Subject: Just lost a good friend
I recently lost a good friend of mine. I guess that I've made myself really busy lately so that I wouldn't have to think about it. It's just tonight everything hit me like a ton of bricks. The worst part is not knowing what happened. He just disappeared. I don't know if he dead or not but I'm pretty sure that he is. Nobody seems to know. Nobody's seen him. The worst part is not knowing. Not knowing what happened. Not knowing if he died painfully or quickly and without pain. It just hurts so bad not knowing.

The whole point of this thread is to post this poem that I just wrote. It guess I feel that some part of him is in it and if a lot of people read it, he would be kept alive somehow. I also think that considering what many people having been going through since September 11th that this would give words to what they're feeling, that it would help us all remember.


I guess I should say good-bye

Although I've never been good at letting go

It took me a while to even admit that you were gone

I haven't totally given up

Not really

I keep thinking that you just left the room

A heartbeat before I entered it

Or that you are merely one corner ahead of me

I guess in a way you are

For death is merely a corner

Merely the limit of our sight

I just wish that we could have met that corner together

That I could have held your hand

Once more before you slipped away

That I could have treasured that last moment

Knowing that it was the last

But you turned that corner

And I thought you were only a bend away

I'm only now learning how cruel the corners are

I'm only now remembering how to cry

So guess this is farewell

For a little while at least

Until I too round that corner

And find you waiting for me

Thank you, Tom, for all the memories. I'll never forget you.

Thank you all.

Rebecca <><