The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #41149   Message #594536
Posted By: Kaleea
17-Nov-01 - 02:13 AM
Thread Name: Mangled Lines
Subject: RE: Mangled Lines
Over the years, some of my favorites have been: "Hark, the hairlip angels sing . . ." "we wish you a hare krishna, we wish you a hare krishna . . ." "I'll be feeling you in all the old familiar places . . ." (I once pulled the above line on a professor of music who had a hangover from the staff fundraiser the night before, and needless to say, he laughed so hard, his head pounded all the more, and class was dismissed after 5 minutes!) "then I saw her face-------, looked like a retriever . . ." "consumate me now to Thy service, Lord . . ." " . . .for purple mountain majesties, above the putrid plains, America, America . . ." and we must not leave out the esteemed Stephen Foster: "Come where my love lies screaming, screaming the happy hours away . . ."