The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #40785   Message #596521
Posted By: Matthew Edwards
20-Nov-01 - 01:46 PM
Thread Name: Manchester Mudcat Meet?
Subject: RE: Manchester Mudcat Meet?
Just refreshing this thread as a reminder, and maybe attract the attention of some who may have missed it earlier. Joan from Wigan, Ned Ludd, and HelenJ have added their names to the list, so I'll do another headcount nearer to the date.

HelenJ I've heard stories about you at the Sam Pirt workshop - luring young men into pubs!! Still what a wonderful birthday present from John.

I did post a tentative schedule above which will need to change now that the Open Door on Sunday has been replaced by a session at the White Lion. Spot did suggest an Open Mic session from 0800(!?) on the Saturday morning; I'm not clear what the response to that idea was. (I know what my response to an 8am start would be!!!)