The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #41161   Message #596870
Posted By: GUEST,fleetwood
20-Nov-01 - 08:42 PM
Thread Name: Which Irish Troubles Songs are Offensive
Subject: Lyr Add: THE SONG OF COLOURS (Ron Baxter)
One song that is sung locally speaks for itself: THE SONG OF COLOURS

Now I used to sing your rebel songs
When I were just a lad
For the tunes were gay and lively
And the stories were not bad
But then lovely Ulster was at peace
And I couldn't see owt wrong
Ah but I was young and couldn't see
The hate inside your songs

For in your minds these songs arn't old
No matter what you say
For "Young Roddie McCauley goes to die
On the Bridge of Toom" today
And to your mind "Father Murphy"
Died but hours ago
Times have changed, you have not
The truth you refuse to know

And you Orangemen of Ulster
Who stand loyal to the flag
Do not puff yourselves with pride
For you are just as bad
You taunt your fellow Ulstermen
With your "Battle of the Boyne"
You are just the otherside of
That blood stained Irish coin

Now Jesus died for all mankind
Not for Orange or Green
Yet to you He's Protestant
To you Papish he be
And if He came back today
His fate would be the same
By you so called Christians -
Be crucified again

Now you sing the "Rising of the Moon"
And you the "Protestant Boys"
You sing of the "Foggy Dew"
And you of "Derry's Walls"
But with you I'll sing none at all
For they just stoke your bloody war
So to hell with the "Wearing of the Green"
And the "Sash your Father Wore"

(Tune: The Sash my Father Wore)
Copyright Ron Baxter of Fleetwood

(line breaks added by a Joeclone)