This is the thread to use. Sorry about the confusion. Katya started two threads, and Pene deleted one and I deleted the other. My Internet service has been slow all day, and that makes mistakes like this happen. A Bookfinder Search (click) shows prices of $325 to $1,000 for the 1965 paperback Dover reissue of the five volumes, and hardcover sets for $5,000 and up. Another reissue would bring those prices crashing down (well, at least they'd destroy the prices of the Dover reprints). The high prices indicate there must be a market, so it's a wonder Dover doesn't reprint the books. I paid $100 for mine at a bookstore in Maine a couple years ago, thanks to a tip from Sandy Paton. While I was waiting for my five volumes to arrive, I found one volume for $3.25 at a store in Southern California, so I auctioned that one off for the benefit of Mudcat. -Joe Offer-