The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #1714   Message #5970
Posted By: Greg Furness
31-May-97 - 06:51 AM
Thread Name: Origins: Springhill Disaster/Ballad of Springhill
Hello! It has been about 25 years since I've thought of this song so the following may not be complete or entirely correct; perhaps someone else will correct my mistakes. Seem to recall a version was recorded by Ian & Sylvia in the mid to late '60s---

In the town of Springhill Nova Scotia
Down in the dark of the Cumberland Mine
There is blood on the coal and the miners lie
On roads that never saw sun or sky
Roads that never saw sun or sky

Down at the coal face the miners working
Clatter of the belt and the cutter's blade
A rumble of rocks and the walls close round
Living and the dead men two miles down
Living and the dead men two miles down

Three days passed and the lamps gave out
And old Caleb Rushton he up and said
We've got no water, nor light, nor bread
So we'll live on songs and hope instead
Live on songs and hope instead

Eight days passed and some were rescued
Leaving the dead to lie alone
Through all their lived they dug their graves
Two miles of earth for a marking stone
Two miles of earth for a marking stone

In the town of Springhill you don't sleep easy
Often the earth will tremble and roll
When the earth is restless, miners die
Bone and blood is the price of coal
Bone and blood is the price of coal.

Hope this helps.