The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #41302   Message #597117
Posted By: Stewie
21-Nov-01 - 08:41 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Song of Temptation
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Song of Temptation
I have that old CSB album but, between Gilfellon's accent and the strangeness of the lines in question, I would not have come in cooee of deciphering them.

I'm probably a bit thick so can someone explain the meaning of those two lines for me? The use of 'one', 'their' and then 'your' is somewhat confusing. I suspect the temptress is advocating the dispensing of clothes and revealing of limbs, but the precise meaning of 'I fear your wear some damp must bear' eludes me - unless it is simply that clothes keep off the rain. Or is there some deep sexual connotation here that I am missing? Just curious.
