The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #41387   Message #597275
Posted By: GUEST,Martin Ryan
21-Nov-01 - 12:20 PM
Thread Name: Help: Tim Lyons & Briain O'Rourke
Subject: RE: Help: Tim Lyons & Briain O' Rourke
I know both of those of whom you speak, so to speak! Not sure that either has anything on the net at the moment. There was a recent CD compilationm of work by, I think, the pair of them and Fintan Vallelly. Haven't got a copy (yet) so don't know if it includes a book of words.

For those who wonder.... Tim, Brian (from Galway, incidentally, where Tim now lives)and Fintan are three of the best songwriters in the comic tradition in Ireland. Brian's piece-de-resistance is/was a fifteen minute long account of a mid-life crisis called "Chantal du Champignon"!
