The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #41391   Message #597672
Posted By: Peg
21-Nov-01 - 11:43 PM
Thread Name: BS: Zodiac / Star Signs - do you believe?
Subject: RE: BS: Zodiac / Star Signs - do you believe?
The daily zodiacs based on sun signs are by and large crap. Monthly forecasts based on sun signs, moon phases AND the rest of the planetary activity through the signs (such as Susan Miller's forecasts at can be surprisingly apt and accurate...but of course one must be aware of one's own moon and rising sign/ascendant in addition to their sun to get the full benefit from reading them...

Real astrology is an art and very complex and takes many years to learn. I think a lot of people who dismiss it as poppycock would have a mighty tough time of it if they actualy tried to cast a natal chart; the mathematical calculations involved are very challenging indeed. Of course most contemporary astrologers use software created for this purpose...but it is easy for people to dismiss something they clearly know nothing about...

Ancient man had astrology which influenced their studies of botany, medicine, psychology (or its equivalent) and social phenomena. Today we have astronomy, which we look to for explanations of everything from air pollution to bacteria to extinction of species. Not so very different, if one looks at the big picture of human development.

Consider: ancient man did not have TV or books. Or electricity. Since light came from the skies, and everything from plant growth to ocean tides to bodily rhythms clearly followed moon phases (and still do), and celestial events like meteor showers or eclipses or retrograde movement of planets were very noticeable because they represented a deviation from the norm as observed night after night by those who followed the stars, centuries of mapping and comparing these movements led thinking men (and some women, one would guess) to develop a highly complex and imaginative system by which to also map the human personality: a psychological blueprint, if you will.

It is no more silly nor no more a waste of time than believing in any other arbitrary system of divination or pseudo-science or collection of correspondences applied to naturally-occurring phenomena, and that includes numerical probabilities (i.e. numerology), aesthetics, religion, postmodernist interpretations of literature, quantum physics, or music.


Libra-Scorpio cusp, Capricorn rising, Capricorn moon, Venus-Neptune conjunction in Scorpio

born on October 23rd; a date coincidentally calculated by biblical scholars as the Day of the Creation, in 4004 B.C.