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Thread #41391   Message #597846
Posted By: katlaughing
22-Nov-01 - 12:49 PM
Thread Name: BS: Zodiac / Star Signs - do you believe?
Subject: RE: BS: Zodiac / Star Signs - do you believe?
My brother will have more info, Wolfgang, as I said. No, I meant Guest 8:09a. I should have made that distinction, sorry.

Okay, I've found my brother's booklet and until he arrives, will include a short quote here. I know this does NOT answer your question, but it still may be of interest to others.

"The entire scheme of the solar system can be represented with earthly music and put on recordings to listen to. One such recording is the Planetary Songs of Johannes Kepler. As we all know, the planets revolve around the Sun in elipses, and vary in speed at perihelion (nearest to the Sun) and aphelion (furthest from the Sun). Kepler compared each (then known) planet's angular velocity at perihelion and aphelion and equated this ratio to a musical interval. Sliding scales occur withing the extremes of these ratios. For example, Saturn rakes 29.5 years to go up and down a musical major third. Kepler actually noted all of the interevals each planet "intones" and expressed them in 17th century musical notation. These transcendant planetary songs can be accelerated so that humans can hear them in physical sound. One recording, noted by musicologist Dr. Jocelyn Godwin, is Harmony of the World, LP 1571, Yale Univertisty School of Music.

"In a modern table of the planets' angular velocities as seen from the Sun, the tones generated by all of the planets, including Pluto, is given by Dr. Godwin. Of 74 tones produced from the perihelion-aphelion intervals, he points out that 58 belong to the major triad CEG in the modern Western key of C."

© Delton L. Hudson all right reserved

There is much more, but he would express it much better and clearly than I.