The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #41503   Message #599217
Posted By: McGrath of Harlow
28-Nov-01 - 05:31 AM
Thread Name: Tech: Should I upgrade to Netscape 6.2?
Subject: RE: BS: Should I upgrade to Netscape 6.2?
6.2 I haven't come across - but 6.1 In have, and it is a great improvement on 6.0. Seems pretty good to me.

I tend to use Internet Explorer 5.5, but I've got Netscape 6.1 on my computer as well, and I've never had any problem when I've used it.

But when I use a browser other than IE it tends to be Opera, which is fast and neat in all kind of ways. It's easy to adjust your preferences, and it's free and quite a small download (far smaller than Netscape or Explorer would be). (There's a small and unobtrusive advert on the free version - which I never notice. I don't know why anybody ever thinks it's worth paying for banner adverts.)

And unlike IE it doesn't keep on kicking in with a Content Control which I've disabled, but which tries to deny me access to my own homepage, and the Mudcat, for example. But I'm used to it, and I've got a spellchecker for Mudcat posts incorporated into it, which I seriously need and haven't got round to adding to Opera.