The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #41544   Message #599748
Posted By: Burke
28-Nov-01 - 06:53 PM
Thread Name: BS: Is Lord of Rings offensive to fundament. too
Subject: RE: BS: IsL. OfRings offensive to fundamenta.too
I've read the other thread & now this one & feel really compelled to make a point.

It is basically impossible to say what fundamentalists as whole believe because they simply do not speak with one voice. We all know that the Catholic Church has it's official teachings that not all Catholic's really hold to. Well, that central organization to give you the official teachings just does not exist for fundamentalism. There are Christian Denominations that more or less hold to the general ideas of fundamentalism, but to a one, they are not centrally controlled & cannot define the teachings of their local preachers, much less the person in the pew. They prove this by splitting constantly over seemingly trivial matters.

There are indeed leaders who speak & seem at various times have more or fewer followers, but their power comes from their ability to persuade.

So the answer to the question here is, that some do object. Others look on LotR's as Christian fantasy & happily incorporate it into whatever else they are doing. For a number of years I attended an independent, evangelical church. We had a discussion group on LotR's & Narnia that was completely positive about the books. Even more so on the creation story in Silmarillion.