The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #41544   Message #600206
Posted By: SharonA
29-Nov-01 - 11:04 AM
Thread Name: BS: Is Lord of Rings offensive to fundament. too
Subject: RE: BS: IsL. OfRings offensive to fundamenta.too
Murray says: "Christian is Christian is Christian"

Well, Murray, the fundamentalists (or fundamentalist-pretenders, as John Hardly called them in another thread) think so, and think that anyone who disagrees with the list you made is going to burn in hell (see Murray's post of Nov. 28, 8:14pm, above). But Christians of many denominations would disagree with one or more of your articles of faith, particularly (D) the Second Coming issue; even among the fundiees, the debate rages as to whether Christ is to come at the beginning, middle or end of the End Times, and whether judgment occurs then or upon one's individual demise.

Even (C) the acceptance of Christ as Savior means different things to different denominations. And don't even get me started on (A) the "original sin" vs. pure-of-soul-newborns issue.

By the way, some people who consider themselves to be Christians do have an "easy, feelgood, touch-feely, hey let's all be pals together, luvya babe system of beliefs."

And some Christians would disparage a deathbed-conversion plan as a "fire escape"!

Sharon (an ex-fundie born-again-heathen)