The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #41544   Message #600643
Posted By: GUEST,.gargoyle
29-Nov-01 - 10:22 PM
Thread Name: BS: Is Lord of Rings offensive to fundament. too
Subject: RE: BS: IsL. OfRings offensive to fundamenta.too
Perhaps, Arty T.

the question should be.....
Is this the appropriate "web-place" for your question to be?

Such questions two years ago...Would Have offended thee

They always offend me!

Where is the MUSIC connection - come on post it, the great songs etc.?????

However, to answer your question -

The modern world holds a TREMENDOUS debt to Tolken because his personal invitation to C.S. Lewis to attend "philosophical" discussions which, in turn, led to the conversion of one of this centuries greatest Christian philosophers and appologists. Tolken was ALREADY a CHRISTIAN

JOE....another call for a breathalizer on the MC!!