The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #41544   Message #600665
Posted By: ddw
29-Nov-01 - 11:16 PM
Thread Name: BS: Is Lord of Rings offensive to fundament. too
Subject: RE: BS: IsL. OfRings offensive to fundamenta.too

Don't know if you saw it, but PBS ran a very interesting program about four or five years ago tracing the Christian aspects of the Nazis. They did borrow a lot of imagry from Norse mythology, but they also had "spiritual camps" for their leaders, particularly the SS officers, which were heavily steeped in Christianity. A good portion of the "teaching," it seems, was to use the old saw that "it was the Jews who killed Christ" to justify some of the party's worst atrocities.

It's been quite a while since I saw it, so I'm fuzzy on the details, but their interpretation was that the Nazis were just as based in Christianity as the KKK and some of the more militant militia groups.

I may have that program on tape. I'll look over the weekend and post more on it if I can find it.

