The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #41544   Message #600730
Posted By: Joe Offer
30-Nov-01 - 02:22 AM
Thread Name: BS: Is Lord of Rings offensive to fundament. too
Subject: RE: BS: IsL. OfRings offensive to fundamenta.too
Faith, yes, Murray - but that doesn't mean buying into somebody's itemized agenda. Many believers look on faith as a loving relationship with God, not signing onto a laundry list of beliefs.

I'll buy most of your list (with certain nuances added), but not the idea of people being born sinful. Babies are born into a world full of evil - but you'll never convince me that babies are evil in themselves. What you've listed is pretty close to the list in the Fundamentals of Christian Belief - those principles are a pretty good definition of fundamentalist Christianity, but not of ALL Christianity. Some of us have a different perspective, and we pray and go to church and read our Bibles, and do our best to help our neighbor.

But what's rationalization got to do with it?

-Joe Offer-