The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #41544   Message #600838
Posted By: John P
30-Nov-01 - 08:26 AM
Thread Name: BS: Is Lord of Rings offensive to fundament. too
Subject: RE: BS: IsL. OfRings offensive to fundamenta.too
I find it interesting that the so-called Christians who are so offended by Harry Potter and the LOTR are, in effect, saying they believe magic and wizards and such are real. It seems they are actually giving power to the things they hate. Not real bright, these fundies.

As for a definition of Christianity, I wish our born again President would pull his head out of the vengeful portions of the Old Testament and read the bits about "Thou shalt not kill" and "Love thy enemy" and "The greatest of these is love".

John Peekstok