The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #41602   Message #601010
Posted By: Sandy Paton
30-Nov-01 - 01:02 PM
Thread Name: 'I've got a Song'
Subject: RE: 'I've got a Song'
We learned the last few lines as: "I've got a song; it's three miles long, it's simple and strong and gay. And I'll sing it some day, yes, I'll sing it some day."

The story Kathy refers to (as it was told to us) has to do with Lou Gottlieb's daughter, There was an adult party at Lou's place, packed, understandably, with musicians (Lou being a Limeliter, a PhD in music, etc). Malvina Reynolds was there. After being ignored by all of the adults for most of the evening, the daughter, then about three years old, stood up in the middle of the room and announced, in a good, strong voice: "I've got a song!" A hush fell over the group and someone said, expectantly, "Yes?" The little girl then defiantly added: "But I WON'T sing it!" Thus inspired, Malvina made up the song.

That's the story we were told, and we're sticking with it -- reality or myth.
