The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #9305   Message #60214
Posted By: catspaw49
25-Feb-99 - 12:37 PM
Thread Name: Folky Jokes and Stories
Subject: RE: Folky Jokes and Stories
Well damn Rick...sounds as though you need a CARE package. Or if you're down this way, we'd be more than happy to "feed you up" a bit.

Funny, but during that same period I considered moving to Canada...but changed my mind as that made no obvious statement. The CO route was another non-statement too, so I was given board and accomodations by my Uncle Sam where I was able to improve my guitar playing at the expense of the United States Government.

How about really great ribs? Had any really fine Jambalaya? Sweet potato pie?--you'll never eat pumpkin again! Maybe a big pot of Kentucky Burgoo--serious eatin' there. Or a bottle of homemade sweet pepper jelly...tastes funny as you're eating it, but has the greatest gotta' have more..and more..and more. But as we talked about in another thread, some of the critters need to be left in the woods.
