The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #41646   Message #602964
Posted By: Devilmaster
03-Dec-01 - 05:41 PM
Thread Name: BS: Alt. contacts for @home Mudcatters
Subject: RE: BS: Alt. contacts for @home Mudcatters
Just a little thought while reading this thread, hope it helps.

Not always exactly sure how it works stateside, but here in Windsor, ont. Canada, (where Clinton and I live) I have talked with people who said that they would go AOL after problems with cable's @home service.
Its then that I mention a local company who has become relatively big in the Michigan/Ontario Corridor for internet service, ( of which I have a DSL acct.

The biggest misconception I have heard from people is that there was a big difference in speed from DSL to Cable. Don't always believe what you read.

Most Cable companies have reported a higher speed over '256k DSL' which is true, except most DSL and connections dont run @256K anymore.

Pretty much what I am saying is, look around for your internet provider. You might find a decent local one that has local people who can help with support. Do your homework, you might find something way better than you had.
