The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #41683   Message #603161
Posted By: kytrad (Jean Ritchie)
03-Dec-01 - 11:24 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Louise (various songs)
Subject: RE: Lyrics Req - Louise
Ah-ha! Bet none of you youngsters ever heard THIS, "Louise," because it was a song that obviously never made it on any hit parade, and was on a very, very early record in our house. Never heard anybody actually sing it, and never saw that record again after ours broke. The chorus:

Louisiana Louise,
Come give your baby a squeeze!
Now don't you sit there and tease,
Fannin yore face in the breeze... Just let me tell-a you this (pronounced theeze)
Then you can do as you please-
If you don't, you'll lose your honey-boy,
Louisiana Louise!

Deathless poetry, yes? Guess there ought to be a "Songs that died in infancy" thread, but it WAS a bona fide song for a tiny little while... Jean