The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #9606   Message #603978
Posted By: Steve in Idaho
04-Dec-01 - 11:24 PM
Thread Name: INFO/Opinions:Taylor,Larivee,Collings,et al.
Subject: RE: INFO/Opinions:Taylor,Larivee,Collings,et al.
Jed's guitar does sound mighty fine! I am assuming it is the one he used for his album. Has a lovely sound to it!

Certainly an impressive array of folks here who have played a lot of different types of instruments. I've never seen a Taylor so don't have a clue there. But I am getting one huge education on these pieces of wood!

I made it a point quite a bit back to only deal with my local shop. We are a small town and the amount of small businesses going under is scarey. Of the 8-9 on the two sides of the street where Shaun's shop is all but two are going under. Wally world and the K marche have killed them. Shaun has a wonderful way about him and a very nice cluttered store that smells of music. He will meet or beat any price by anyone. He told me that for his loyal customers he will discount to the point of being rediculous (he made $.50 on a guitar once-no that is not a typo) - I refuse to let him - it is more important to me that I don't have to drive 50 miles to buy a new pick, or to talk guitars, or pick up a set of strings, or a host of other things I like to do on occasion. He can have anything I need within 3-4 days - and that works for me.

This new Tacoma I am looking at can be had for under $900.00 through him - I guess I may pay a bit much now for some things but I'm somewhat of a dinasaur anyway.
