The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #41734   Message #604233
Posted By: JohnInKansas
05-Dec-01 - 11:01 AM
Thread Name: BS: Computer Virus's
Subject: RE: BS: Computer Virus's
I have received emails containing a message indicating that the mail has been screened for viruses by the server. The problem is that now the people(?) who produce the d... things have started copying the message into their own s...t.

A note on Norton. We learned recently that Norton AV2000 cannot be set to screen email as it comes in if you're using a POP3 account. You have to get AV2001. Not a big problem, because it will still block access to your machine when (if) you open them.

There are also some rather arcane setup requirements if your email addy includes an @ symbol, as in This little "feature" let us think we were protecting things that were not actually being screened for a while.

Ya gotta read the instructions, I guess.
