Mostly 6-string, sometimes get very out of practice instead of just a little; occasional 12-string, mandolin & banjo (VERY simple stuff); "3-finger" pick guitar & 5-string, etc; lots of stuff I've known for years & still like; Irish, other celtic, (only a little so far); 60's stuff. Paxton, occ Lightfoot, Stan Rogers, Mike Smith, Eric Bogle, KT, Limelighters, Bros 4, Ian & Sylvia, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc.. ; whatever ballads really move me & are not too hard for a by-ear mostly 3 chord guy. Got at least a Zillion "favorite" songs, many favorite writers & singers. Play various brands of flat-tops (steel). Mostly the guitars are better than the player. Mostly play at home, jams, church, (used to be in College folk Group) etc; occ in public & formal scheduled stage sets in a street festival setting.I'ln be interested in how other mudcatters respond.
Cheers, BK