The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #41837   Message #605877
Posted By: GUEST,Deda
07-Dec-01 - 03:02 PM
Thread Name: BS: Cultural losses
Subject: RE: BS: Cultural losses
I don't think we are derogating any other culture by trying to pass on our own. Are you saying that the western European culture should NOT be passed on? That I should refrain from, or be made less of for reading to my children and grandson the books that I loved as a child, simply because they were written by dead white guys? I don't see that "sharing our experience, strength and hope", as the 12 step groups put it, has to be seen as a put-down of other people. My kids speak Hebrew (my daughter) and French (my son), but not Spanish, even though they were exposed to Spanish starting in pre-school and lived in a state with a large Latino population. These were truly their choices, I would have been quite happy if they had chosen to learn Spanish or Chocktaw or Arabic or Chinese. I guess I don't really understand what your message is, except that we're all somehow culpable here. Culpable for what, exactly?