The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #9606   Message #606221
Posted By: catspaw49
08-Dec-01 - 01:05 AM
Thread Name: INFO/Opinions:Taylor,Larivee,Collings,et al.
Subject: RE: INFO/Opinions:Taylor,Larivee,Collings,et al.
Steve, that was a great post because you got yourself into a position to hear for yourself and "sense" the difference in woods. No matter how beautiful they are or how much we try to describe the qualities they possess here, nothing beats hearing these sometimes striking and sometimes subtle differences. Always need to throw in the bit about apples and oranges and not comapring a mahoghany Larrivee to a koa Martin or whatever, but you had yourself a great far.

Mose may be better and more wonderful than before, but then anyone who already owns a guitar of a lifetime still needs a spare.......right? Tell that to Mose who will be flattered and agree and then to your wife who will have you comitted.
