The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #27033   Message #606871
Posted By: Jeri
09-Dec-01 - 06:01 PM
Thread Name: Do your nuts require surgery?
Subject: RE: Do your nuts require surgery?
He only moved one end of the bridge back. If he'd moved the other end of the bridge up instead of shortening the neck, it probably would have played hell with pitch.

I think my nut's OK, but my bridge needs to be raised. The action is like butter, but the 2 lowest strings buzz when I get above the 5th fret or so. They make an intersting "snap" sound when I really hit the bass strings. It would work for blues, but that buzz is just annoying. The questionably sane Mr. Fielding has suggested doing something weird (my, what a shock) involving coffee stirrers. I expect I'll have to change the strings someday, and may try it then. (I'm not quite sure how to get the saddle off, but suspect it involves sliding it backward.) Maybe this calls for yet another creatively named thread: "Oh, That Low (guitar) Bridge."

The more I play, the more I really love this guitar. It was relatively inexpensive, but I've messed around with "name" instruments in stores, and I still like the sound of mine better.