The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #41837   Message #606889
Posted By: Bill D
09-Dec-01 - 06:43 PM
Thread Name: BS: Cultural losses
Subject: RE: BS: Cultural losses
it is not possible for most of us to 'know' Blake & Beckett and Brahms and Ferlengetti has been pointed out, we make our choices as to general styles and areas we appreciate most. What bothers me is not knowing about Beckett if you like Blake or vice versa.

Simple awareness of where Corso and Dostoyevski or Dickenson...or even Ogden into our heritage will allow you to at least not be bewildered by references and allusions....I know you can't do it all, but just reading titles in a bookcase and album covers in a store will make the names familar.....

whazzat? Reading?...yeah, you DO need to try it once in awhile..*wry smile*...How many people do YOU know who will not ever be on Mudcat simply because they find it tedious to scan words on a screen or on paper? I know a couple of people who are so dyslexic and slow that it it just too much work...but they DO listen to books on tape and know a surprising amount!