The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #41837   Message #607190
Posted By: GUEST
10-Dec-01 - 12:11 PM
Thread Name: BS: Cultural losses
Subject: RE: BS: Cultural losses
The start of this thread was about the disappearance of simple childhood fun of a sort that was I remember as seperate from that of the adult world, it was ours. It certainly had little to do with classroom activity, more the Playground. The games and rhymes were of the culture I was raised in and I was at the time happy with that, it was childhood why complicate matters. Sufi poetry, henry V and his speech before Agincourt or wondering lonely as a cloud never came into it, how did it happen in this thread, lets all flex our intelectual muscles and impress people. I suspect that kids today have their own secret that are kept from us, some of which may be evolved from the things we fondly remember, much is new, but I am sure they enjoy it. It might be fun to drop a hint about some of these past times and see if they are interested but don't ram it down their throats.