The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #41952   Message #607278
Posted By: Cappuccino
10-Dec-01 - 02:05 PM
Thread Name: BS: Pride in English Modern Art
Subject: Pride in English Modern Art
Speaking as an Englishman, with all that implies in terms of artistic sensitivity, may I say how proud I am to see that this year's Turner Prize for art, with its awards of twenty thousand pounds (thirty six thousand dollars or so) has been won by an Englishman, Martin Creed, with his work 'Lights Going On and Off'. If you haven't seen it, this is an empty room in which the lights fade on…. and off. And on again. And off again. And so on. That's it.

The judges 'admired his audacity, and noted the work's strength, rigour, wit and sensitivity. Coming out of the tradition of minimal and conceptual art, his work is engaging, wide-ranging, and fresh, extending into music.'

(His major musical composition, we learn, is 'Nothing', which lasts five seconds.)

The artist is apparently 'fascinated by the idea of nothingness, and creating simple yet direct works, as befitting his Quaker upbringing'.

And, for switching a light on, he has earned what would keep my family for a year.

A proud day for England.

- Ian B