The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #42050   Message #609231
Posted By: Bat Goddess
13-Dec-01 - 05:06 PM
Thread Name: NO SECRET SANTA GIFT??? PM Me!!!
It was 70 a week or so ago, then we woke up to 4" of snow on Sunday -- didn't last long, as the temps went back up to 50-ish. Today is foggy, rainy, and now, of course, dark. Not December in New Hampshire weather. Landscape still the color of above said grocery bag. Whole world looks dirty and in need of a good scrubbing, despite the rain. Looks like March, but it's warmer. Go figure. Not complaining, really, about lack of snow and cold though. Looks pretty, but I really hate driving in the stuff. And the firewood pile is maintaining well.

Actually I have fond memories of walking on the beach in Kennebunkport. ME in the rain on Christmas Day 1979, only person in sight, singing my head off scaring the gulls, trying to keep the rain from washing my contacts out.

Despite Thanksgiving having shown up right on schedule, it just doesn't seem like it should be Christmas yet. (Spent the day trying to get into the mood by listening to Nowell Sing We Clear CDs and tapes and Maddy Prior's seasonal CD. I'm not sure if it's worked or not.)
