The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #42050   Message #609473
Posted By: Blackcatter
14-Dec-01 - 12:43 AM
Thread Name: NO SECRET SANTA GIFT??? PM Me!!!
THANKS SANTA! (and you're not bad!) I shouldn't expect it until a full week from now or later anyhow. It sounds like it might come in time for Solstice - if so - I'll open it at my church's big Solstice celebrate (in which I'm in charge of the spiral dance and the bonfire).

I really expected (by the info the U.S. post office gave me that Alison's gift wouldn't get to her until about this time (4 to 6 weeks after I sent it) and she received it in little over a week. Go figure. Clearly, my package fit the last little hole on the nonstop jet from Orlando to Sidney (hell, I could have handed it to a tourist flying back, but the airport keeps having these announcements saying NOT to do that...)

Anyway, I'm blithering, because I'm excited.

Thanks again Santa!

pax yall