The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #42071   Message #610083
Posted By: MARINER
14-Dec-01 - 07:56 PM
Thread Name: Shelmalier ??
Subject: RE: Shelmalier ??
The Shelmaliere men mentioned in the '98 songs are ,as far as I know , from the Castlebridge area. The "long barreled gun of the sea" mentioned in Kelly the Boy from Killane were the fowling pieces they used in Wexford Harbour(and to great effect in many of the battles of 1798).I'm not sure if they required any great accuracy to use them. I may be mistaken but I think these guns were of the traditional "punt gun" type, still used until recently in Wexford Harbour, which when fired killed anything unfortunate enough to be within a very wide radius The local Castlebridge Hurling Team are called The Shelmalieres in memory of their forefathers (my g/g/grandfather among them) who fought so gallantly throughout that rebellion .