The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #42115   Message #610295
Posted By: gnu
15-Dec-01 - 07:15 AM
Thread Name: BS: How's your weather ?
Subject: How's your weather ?
I greatly enjoyed the last thread on weather, some six months or so ago. As we approach the Solstice and have just past a new moon, I have been watching the weather with anticipation. Trying to forecast the next month or two is a hobby of mine. It IS a crapshoot, but it's cheap.

In summary, the weather in Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada has been unusually mild. Yesterday, it was 10C, sunny, and green... yes, green grass abounds. The Starlings are still here. We've had a couple of minor snows, 100mm tops, but they have melted as fast as they came.

So, what's the weather like where you are ?