The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #42115   Message #610536
Posted By: Mudlark
15-Dec-01 - 03:04 PM
Thread Name: BS: How's your weather ?
Subject: RE: BS: How's your weather ?
Inland side of coastal range, California....brilliant sun, pastures glinting white with frost every morning, but trees around the house are protecting the porch geraniums, so far. Cool enough some days to keep a small fire going in the woodstove all day, other days just need a quick hot fire to take the chill off. I've had to have a couple of large trees in the yard felled and have been doing a LOT of have "saw elbow"...the country version of tennis elbow....but at least I've enough wood now to stay warm thru the winter. I'm looking forward to the full moon this month...hope it's not overcast...