The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #42183   Message #611608
Posted By: Big Mick
17-Dec-01 - 11:29 AM
Thread Name: BS: Guns and hunting
Subject: RE: Guns and hunting
The Bambi post illustrates perfectly how silly these people are. Bambi would have absolutely no idea how its mother died. Only that it died. So, Bambi, what are we to do about all these terrible wolves that so cruelly kill your kin? How about those terrible cougars? And how are we to stop the snow so that you won't starve? And how about the loss of the habitat because of too many houses?

The simple fact of the matter is that the human ANIMAL is a predator. The difference between it and other predators is that it has a brain sufficiently developed that it has found ways to have its meat without hunting it. Makes it so much cleaner. I will bet money that "Bambi" wears items that are derived from animals. Items that some creature had to give up its freedom or life to produce. That is the way of it. Some of us just don't like the hypocrisy of those that chastise us while daily they do things that have the same result. Once in a while I run into a truly principled person who pursues a vegan lifestyle and does everything they can to not use products that come from other sentient beings. While I disagree with their take, these people get my utmost respect for their principled stand. The rest I ignore as hypocrits.

And by the way, I detest slob hunters who have no depth of understanding of the act they commit. When we hunt, we take the life of a creature. While it is a completely natural thing to do, our intellect, ability to reason, and conscience should dictate certain standards of behaviour. When we teach our young to hunt, it should be much more than how to aim and shoot. You can do that at targets. Hunting, for me, is a very ancient dance. It is about acknowledging the greatness of the land and the Earth Mother. It is about acknowledging the order created by the Greatest One. It is about being grateful for the bounty given us. It is about not losing my essence in a world and time that seeks at every turn to make us feel that we are something more than what God created us to be. In returning to my essential nature I acknowledge that I am a small, essential part of the great plan. In my time in the wilds, I look around and realize how sacred and necessary it is to be a steward of all that I affect.

Jayzus..........enough, already.
