The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #42183   Message #611694
Posted By: Rick Fielding
17-Dec-01 - 12:59 PM
Thread Name: BS: Guns and hunting
Subject: RE: Guns and hunting
When I was about twenty, I used to wear a button with a wolf's head on it. The logo said "I need my coat, YOU don't". I used to love it when someone would confront me with the old "you're wearing leather shoes....blah, blah,.." thing. Boy, could I Zap 'em with quick comebacks. Same with those folks who 'spray-painted' upper-class women walking down the street in fur coats. Oh did I have a chuckle at that!

And then I joined an organization that shared and promoted my "beliefs".....and a strange thing happened. I found them as narrow minded and equally as quick at disingenuous rationalization as the pro-hunting lobbiests that I'd come to detest.

When I took that "journey to the interior" I realized that jerks come in all sorts of guises, some parroting NRA dogma, others spouting Marx, and still others citing Biblical support what is essentially an EMOTIONAL position.

I'd still be incapable of shooting a moose (although I discovered I loved and was pretty good at target shooting) but I'd eat a moose steak. Quite the hypocrite eh? But that's emotions for ya.
