The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #41735   Message #612487
Posted By: GUEST,Gloredhel's Secret Santa
18-Dec-01 - 03:17 PM
Thread Name: BS: Seventh Son of the Seventh Secret Santa
Subject: RE: BS: Seventh Son of the Seventh Secret Santa
THe check I mean box is finlly in the mail.. i serched al over but could'nt find the car you askked for.When I told the elves abut the carr they refusd to wrap it and had a sitdown strike an i had to hire a motivatinal speakr to get thm to standup again

just as wel, sinse the postadge on car wold have ben hefty. maybeI shoudve driven it, would've been cheper.

box on it's way toyu by proirity mail.Hope it reatches to yo befor the real Santa does
MErrry cHristmas ho ho ho