The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #42234   Message #612579
Posted By: Joe Offer
18-Dec-01 - 05:48 PM
Thread Name: Who is packing heat this Xmas?
Subject: RE: Who is packing heat this Xmas?
Well, I guess this has turned into a discussion. I didn't 'spect it would - but I've been wrong before.

I worked as an investigator for the U.S. Government for 25 years, doing background checks on applicants for sensitive positions, including law enforcement jobs. I sometimes worked in dangerous areas, but I have never carried a firearm. Some of my coworkers did - and some of them got fired for it. I know that people often assumed I was "packing," but I wasn't. Was I safer because people assumed I was armed? - I don't think so, but maybe that's the case.

I can tell you all sorts of tales about people who used firearms irresponsibly, but I can't tell you any about civilians who used firearms in a responsible manner to solve a problem. I remember one 6-month period when I had TWO Border Patrol Agent applicants who shot themselves in the buttocks with their handguns when they were trying to put the guns under their belts. I never did find out if they got the job. I'm sure glad they weren't working with ME, although I did have two coworkers who were less than responsible with their handguns.

I've had a gun pointed at me only once in my life, and I'm glad I was unarmed and was able to convince the people I was unarmed. They were scared, and they might well have shot me if I had a gun. Common sense, a smile, and a calming manner are a much better defense than a handgun. Handguns are for peace officers, not civilians.

-Joe Offer-