The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #42237   Message #612605
Posted By: GUEST,BigDaddy
18-Dec-01 - 06:18 PM
Thread Name: How to beat the winter blues
Subject: RE: How to beat the winter blues
Go sledding, cross country skiing, snowshoeing or hiking if there's not enough snow. The woods are gorgeous when the trees are bare. You can see so much more. Cozy indoor places with fireplaces are wonderful, whether it's the local library, student lounge, pub or lounge at a ski area. Don't think of it as cold and miserable...think of it as brisk and invigorating. Winter is a time for appreciating snug warmth indoors, telling stories or reading good books and listening to good music. Feel the magic of this time of year. Go to a nature center, art museum, find a town with a real old-fashioned "downtown" or city center and go shopping (you don't have to buy anything). Start writing the great American (or whatever) novel. Start researching your family history. Talk to elderly relatives (or strangers) and record the conversations (so much personal and family history is being lost). Buy or rent an instrument and learn to play it. If you've got snow, use it. Find a spot in the woods where you can safely build a campfire. Find a friend to share it with (bring hot cocoa). Try counting the stars on a brisk winter's night. If it's really cold, take a deep breath of that refreshing air and think what a blessing it is, like a cold drink of good spring water. Visit shut-ins. Volunteer some of your time. Need I go on?