The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #42245   Message #612710
Posted By: Bat Goddess
18-Dec-01 - 08:06 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Cruising round Yarmouth
Subject: ADD: Cruising Round Yarmouth^^
Here's how Curmudgeon sings it:


While cruisin' 'round Yarmouth one day for a spree
I met a fair damsel, the wind blowin' free.
"I'm a fast going clipper, me kind sir," says she,
"I'm ready for cargo; me hold is quite free."

Chorus: And I falderal laddie, I falderal day, Falderal laddie, I falderal day.

The country she come from I couldn't tell which.
By her appearance I thought she was Dutch.
Her flag bore her colours, her masthead was low,
She was round at the quarter and bluff at the bow.

I gave her me hawser and took her in tow
And yardarm to yardarm a towin' we'd go.
She laid in her mains'l, t'ga'n's'l and all
With her lily white hand on me reef tackle fall.

I said, "Pretty fair maid, it's time to give o'er
For twixt wind and water, you've run me ashore.
Me shot locker's empty, me power's all spent.
I can't fire a shot for I'm choked at the vent.

Good luck to the girl with the black curly locks,
Good luck to the girl who ran Jack on the rocks,
Good luck to the doctor who eased all his pain,
He squared his main yard, he's a cruisin' again.
Chorus ^^