The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #42237   Message #613125
Posted By: Mrrzy
19-Dec-01 - 12:54 PM
Thread Name: How to beat the winter blues
Subject: RE: How to beat the winter blues
I have full-specrtum lights in my office now, and am not nearly as down as I was last year this time, which is great. I also find that as long as I am with people, I can maintain, it's when I'm alone that things go down the tubes; I've gone to sleep with people's phone numbers clutched in my hand so that if I woke up with the wrong motivations (I *really* wanted to die last year) I had somebody I could call without even having to find their phone numnber.

Use those lights! Surround yourself with loved ones, or at least loving ones! Call any of us, there were several Mudcat phone numbers in my sweaty little hand...