The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #42261   Message #613166
Posted By: brid widder
19-Dec-01 - 02:16 PM
Thread Name: Help: Quiet Festival nights?
Subject: Quiet Festival nights?
In another thread...(the phone in the audience) I have just been reprimanded for admitting to singing on a Folk-Festival campsite. the occasion was Whitby week this year, the place the main campsite. Those of you who were there will remember that we had MAJOR problems with local kids damaging tents and caravans and generally causing a result the campsite stewards worked extremely hard to make sure the site was patrolled...from 8:00am until after midnight every night.Now the campsite at Whitby is a school field...away from the festival activities so it is not a popular task!!we are not paid...we get a free pass...this year we had very little opportunity to use these!!

Now admittedly the main campsite is normally quiet...the stewards make sure of that...but at the close of such a week is it unreasonabe for four or five people...not a marquee have a drink and to sing??..we caused no disturbance to the local this complaint from one of the festivalgoers reasonable?