The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #42261   Message #613639
Posted By: Gary T
20-Dec-01 - 10:08 AM
Thread Name: Help: Quiet Festival nights?
Subject: RE: Help: Quiet Festival nights?
At a major annual festival I attend (Winfield, KS), camping is on the festival grounds. It is held in a county park. Only festival ticket holders are allowed into the campgrounds. There are checkpoints at the roads into the park, and regular security patrols throughout the grounds.

I don't know how feasible this system would be for the Whitby festival, but it essentially eliminates the type of vandalism described. The worst I'm aware of has been some local youth sneaking in and stealing beer from accessible coolers.

It is understood that there will be campground music around the clock, and the official rules mention this. They use the ambiguous wording, "As long as this is the type of music being played, we don't expect that to disturb anyone"--without having specified what "this type" of music is. Essentially, it seems to mean don't be blasting a rock and roll tape at 2:00 a.m.

Occasionally someone is a bit peaved at having camped next to a group that makes music well into the wee hours. Tough break, if it really bothers them they can leave. Or do what my mother-in-law does--use earplugs. To expect quiet in the campground at a music festival is, in my opinion, ridiculous.