The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #9500   Message #61540
Posted By: JB3
06-Mar-99 - 06:50 AM
Thread Name: Spring and May-Day Carols
Subject: Spring and May-Day Carols and Rituals
Some friends are getting together for a Spring Sing. I have searched the database and found many of the usual suspects, but would be interested in a discussion of which Spring songs "spring" to mind for all you 'Catters. My favorite is the Padstow May Song. And I'll always remember marching into the gym at Berea for the Spring Festival with the other teen-age folk dance groups carrying branches of red-bud and dogwood to stand and sing the May Carol. "I bring you a branch of May..." (Jean Ritchie's version) Then we threw the branches in the middle and danced Sellenger's Round 'round them. Another pleasing ritual was one I learned in northeast Iowa as a young child. The tradition was to make May Baskets (small baskets with fresh flowers in them), to carry them to the houses of friends, hang them on the door then ring the bell and run hide. Is this perhaps a Scandiavian or German custom? I've always wanted to take part in dancing 'round the May Pole. There's something satisfying about rituals and songs that are associated with the seasons. I did a quick forum search to see if there are former threads on this subject, but struck out so far.

June B.